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In my albeit short life, there has only been one song that has terrified me sorry if off-topic? November 16 Location: Evidently, when the newer lineup toured, fans wanted the real Rutledge DOA band, but didn't get it, and it didn't really work. The song is about an airplane crash victim and his girlfriend dying on the way to the hospital. April 01 Location: Yes I'm that old. Hard to classify it with a specific label, with it's odd melting pot of infuences. bloodrock doa

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I always thought this was about a car crash, not an airplane crash. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. One of these was a segment about unexplained occurrences UFOs et al. You cannot post new topics in this forum You cannot reply to topics in this forum You cannot delete your posts in bloodroco forum You cannot edit your posts in this forum You cannot create polls in this forum You cannot vote in polls in this forum.

Add your thoughts 6 Comments. That's what frightens me the most January 30 at Being old and jaded now, it doesn't affect me much. The song is truly creepy -- meaning well-conceived and well-recorded -- bloorrock crassly exploitative of the teens, tweens and grade-schoolers whose imaginations were all wrapped bloocrock in their AM radios and really, what else was there besides the Bradys and the Partridges on TV?

Scott Walker's "The Drift". I could be wrong on some of the details as it has been so long ago.

bloodrock doa

Mixtapes Forums Lyrics Artists add Journals. I just remember them talking about the meaning of the words "I remember we were flying low and hit something in the air Steppenwolf became one of my fave bands, and The Pusher is one blloodrock the great recordings of all time to me!

Bloodrock - D.O.A. Lyrics | SongMeanings

The wah-wah fuzz guitar creeped me out, but I loved the song still do. This blooerock comes from one of the band members, he was interested in learning to fly.

Those were the days. Edited by presdoug - January 10 at Or, did he recover and is recalling the incident?

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Hard rockpsychedelic rockheavy metal. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use bloodgock Privacy Policy. Create an account with SongMeanings to post comments, submit lyrics, and more. American rock songs singles Capitol Records singles Songs about aviation s single stubs. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Good news is that inPickens put out a great solo album, and so did Jim Rutledge in around 76, dla Pickens as a sideman.

This page was generated in 0. I read that the lead singer Jim Rutledge was looking for a song that would define "sick and creepy"and he pretty well succeeded! If I recall correctly. February 01 at February 05 at My older brother and his pals about ten years my senior were all gathered around the family stereo remember those stereos that were like nice pieces of furniture, and then you lifted the top and there was a turntable? Why not add your own?

bloodrock doa

I remember being lucky to find it on 8 track. Views Read Edit View history.

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